Bronte Primary School & Nursery Unit

Bronte Nursery 2019~2020


New Intake

September - Settling in and Making Friends

We make our own play dough

Our Recipe

Add 1/2 a cup of salt

Add 2 tablespoons of cream of tartar

Add 1 cup of flour

Add 1 cup of hot water

Add 1 tablespoon of oil

Add a few drops of food colouring

Stir all the ingredients together and have fun!

Becoming more independent

We are learning how to be independent. Before snack we wash our hands, post our photo, get our own plate and cup, pour our own drink and choose our own snack. Afterwards we put away our dirty dishes. This makes up feel very proud of ourselves.

Our First Music Lesson with Laura Harbinson from

Cantata School of Music

Our Autumn Walk in 'The Wilds'

October - Autumn, Harvest and Healthy Eating

Gemma from Boogie Beat came to visit us in Nursery

We dressed in yellow for Mental Health Awareness

Sponsored Bounce - We held a sponsored bounce to help raise money for some new toys in Nursery. The children had a great morning bouncing with their friends.

Our pumpkin experiment

November - Light and Dark and All about me

Children in Need 2019

Dressing up as our favourite movie or television character

Bronte Nursery Unit Presents 'A Wriggly Nativity'

December - Christmas

January - Cold Places and Winter

The Big Bird Watch

February - People Who Help Us

The PSNI came to visit us in Nursery

A visit from a Librarian

A visit from a Paramedic

A visit from a Nurse

A visit from the Fire Fighters

A busy month of learning all about People Who Help Us

Pancake Tuesday